Item Details
Slim & Slender is a premium, grain free, complete dried dog food for dogs that are overweight. This is ideal if you are looking for a dried food to help control your dogs weight while promoting a slim and slender body composition. The food is packed with active ingredients, including 45% lean, free run, British chicken, sweet potato as a digestion-aiding fibre, pea protein to lower hunger, CLA to support fat metabolism, psyllium which promotes satiety, L-carnitine, Glucosamine and Chondroitin to protect supporting joints, and probiotics and prebiotics to aid in digestion. Pooch and Mutts Slim & Slender is vet recommended and made in the UK. Pooch & Mutt Slim & Slender also contain NUTRA-BIONIC which is a unique supplement which contains ingredients that provide digestive help, aid the skin and coat, reduce stool odour and support urinal tract health.