Johnson'S Veterinary Anti-Chew Pump Spray Chew Repellent Dogs Puppies Training
Johnsons Veterinary Products
Johnson's Anti-Chew hand pump spray
In a bid to help the ozone layer and the planet, Johnson's have given their Anti-Chew Training Spray a bit of a makeover. As a result, its gone from an aerosol to a pump spray dispenser. (It's good to play our part.) However, thats not the only change thats taken place. Along with the new look comes a whole new formula that includes Bitrex a highly effective, yet completely harmless, bitter tasting substance. Used around the home, Johnson's Anti-Chew Spray is the easiest way to deter pets from chewing on furniture and other household articles. It can even safely be used to prevent animals from chewing their own coat and interfering with wounds.Contents
- 1 x 150ml Spray