Iams For Vitality Dog Senior Small-Medium Breed Chicken 2Kg Dry Dog Food

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    IAMS for Vitality small and medium breed senior dog food is a 100% complete and balanced expert nutrition to help support your dog’s 7 signs of healthy vitality, including keeping their digestive system in working order. All of this packed into a tasty recipe with 82% animal protein (out of total protein) for your pet to enjoy every day. Healthy Digestion Tailored fibre blend including prebiotics and beet pulp for healthy digestion Healthy Joints With high quality animal protein and essential minerals to promote healthy Healthy Teeth Crunchy kibbles and tailored mineral levels for healthy teeth Healthy Skin and a Shiny Coat With Omega 3 & 6 to support healthy skin and a shiny coat Strong Bones Enriched with essential minerals and vitamin D supporting strong bones Support the Immune System Antioxidant blend with Vitamin C and E to help support the immune system Healthy Heart Formulated with key nutrients to help nourish the heart Composition:dried chicken & turkey 30% (including chicken 18%), maize, maize grits, barley, animal fat, fresh chicken (4.7%), sorghum, dried beet pulp (2.7%), chicken gravy, minerals (including sodium hexametaphosphate (0.38%)), fructooligosaccharides (0.21%), brewer's dried yeast, glucosamine (from animal tissues) (0.04%). Ingredients: protein: 27%, fat content: 12%, omega-6 fatty acids: 2.4%, omega-3 fatty acids: 0.17%, crude ash: 6.6%, crude fibres: 2.0%, calcium: 1.5%, phosphorus: 1.2%. Vitamins: ^(/kg), Vitamins: vitamin A: 50572IU, vitamin C 63mg, vitamin D₃: 1678IU, vitamin E: 281mg, L-carnitine 50mg. Trace elements: cupric sulphate pentahydrate (copper): 13mg, potassium iodide (iodine): 2.5mg, ferrous sulphate monohydrate (iron) 66mg, manganous sulphate monohydrate (manganese): 38mg, zinc oxide (zinc): 109mg. ^Supplemented levels added at time of manufacture.
