Harrisons Fruit & Nut Parrot Treat Mix
Delicious blend of exotic ingredients, For maximum health and condition, Ideal for adding to seed mixes, Helps prevent boredom. Ingredients: Groundnuts, Banana Chips, Raisins, Coconum Shreds, Dried Pineapple, Pine Nuts, Safflower Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Buckwheat, Whole Maize, Flaked Carrots, Papaya Dice, dried melon, Brazil Nuts, walnuts, Dried Mango, Red Peppers Ingredients: Groundnuts, Banana Chips, Raisins, Coconum Shreds, Dried Pineapple, Pine Nuts, Safflower Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Buckwheat, Whole Maize, Flaked Carrots, Papaya Dice, dried melon, Brazil Nuts, walnuts, Dried Mango, Red Peppers