Chuckit Indoor Roller Ring -Soft Play Launcher Thrower Dog Puppy Interactive Toy
Chuckit!Chuckit Indoor Play Roller
- Compatible with the Chuckit! Indoor Ball Launcher
Perfect for those days when your dog cannot play outdoors! This fabulous Chuckit! Indoor Roller Dog Ball is a great fun indoors dog toy! It is soft and features Bounceflex technology making it sturdy and flexible with added durability. The soft, fuzzy surface of this roller ball allows for quiet playtime that still entertains and delights your pet. It is sturdy enough to handle a good amount of chomping and chewing, yet light enough not to cause damage. It is especially appealing for those with boisterous kids and dogs. Energetic kids can throw it around as much as they wish, and they will not damage anything no matter where it flies or lands. You can let your youngsters play with this ball safely because it is too light to cause any destruction. Best of all, you can use it with the Chuckit! Indoor Ball Launcher which will allow you to just sprawl on your couch and flick the launcher to release the soft, fuzzy roller ball and you will not have to even bend down to retrieve it when your dog brings it back! Ideal for couch potatoes and no slobbery balls to handle either!
- 1 x Toy